S.L.I.P. Mindset

This has been rattling around my brain for a while… I feel that the best way to develop new apps is to make them Simple, Light, Intuitive and Powerful.

Simple: Make sure your apps can be easily learned by new users, only a short video or page to educate them.

Light: They shouldn’t bloated with unnecessary features. Make sure it has an interface that actually fits the context and use of the app.

Intuitive: Don’t cram a giant app into a small screen - make sure that your interface fits with the purpose and how the user naturally will interact.

Powerful: It has to kick ass, no excuses. If you want to make a cash flow tracker then MAKE THE BEST ONE EVER. Do not make a me too, make something better than all your competition. If there is already an awesome app in your vertical, subdivide the market and go after a segment specifically.

I’m still thinking this out, but following this philosophy has made a big difference and I feel that a lot of the great successes we’ve seen as of late are like this.